छत्तीसगढ़ सरकार की वेबसाइट सूची
Official Portal of Chhattisgarh Government
छतीशगढ स्टेट की वेबसाइट की सभी वेबसाइट के लिए यहा पर आपके लिए एक साथ सभी प्रकार की गवर्नमेंट से जुडा हुआ पोर्टल का नाम और उसका डारेक्ट लिंक आपको मिल जायेगा साथ ही आपके सरकारी स्कूल का रिजल्ट भी देख सकते हो gov websites list
Chhattisgarh Government
The official portal of the Chhattisgarh Government provides comprehensive information about the state’s administration, departments, schemes, and services, which are available to citizens and businesses.
Chhattisgarh Tourism Board

Introduction: This portal showcases Chhattisgarh’s rich cultural heritage, natural beauty, and tourist attractions, serving as a guide for tourists and travellers interested in exploring the state.
Chhattisgarh High Court:

The official website of the Chhattisgarh High Court offers information about the judiciary system, including case status, judgments, and legal resources for lawyers and litigants.
Chhattisgarh Police

This website details the Chhattisgarh Police Force, its organizational structure, crime prevention initiatives, and resources for citizens to report crimes and seek assistance.
Chhattisgarh State Industrial Development Corporation

The CSIDC portal promotes industrial development in Chhattisgarh by offering information about investment opportunities, policies, incentives, and support services for businesses.
Chhattisgarh State Electricity Regulatory Commission (CSERC)

CSERC regulates the electricity sector in Chhattisgarh, ensuring fair practices, tariff regulations, and dispute resolution mechanisms. The website offers resources for consumers, stakeholders, and industry players.
Chhattisgarh State Warehousing Corporation

Introduction: This corporation manages warehousing facilities across the state, providing storage solutions for agricultural produce and essential commodities. The website offers details on storage facilities, services, and procurement procedures.
Chhattisgarh Board of Secondary Education (CGBSE)

CGBSE oversees secondary education in the state, conducting examinations, prescribing syllabi, and implementing educational policies. The website provides updates on exam schedules, results, and academic resources for students and educators.
Chhattisgarh State Seeds & Agriculture Development Corporation Limited (CHSADC):

CHSADC promotes agriculture development by providing quality seeds, agricultural inputs, and support services to farmers. The website offers details on seed varieties, availability, and agricultural extension programs.
Chhattisgarh State Medicinal Plant Development Board (CGMPDB):

CGMPDB focuses on the conservation, cultivation, and sustainable utilization of medicinal plants in Chhattisgarh. The website offers information on medicinal plant species, cultivation techniques, and research initiatives.
Chhattisgarh State Renewable Energy Development Agency (CREDA):

CREDA promotes the adoption of renewable energy technologies and facilitates their integration into the state’s energy mix. The website offers updates on renewable energy projects, incentives, and policies.

This federation works for the socio-economic development of tribal communities in Chhattisgarh through various cooperative initiatives. The website provides information on tribal welfare schemes, livelihood programs, and artisan empowerment.
Chhattisgarh State Legal Services Authority:

The authority ensures access to justice for the marginalized sections of society by providing legal aid and assistance. The website offers details on legal services, rights awareness programs, and mediation mechanisms.
Chhattisgarh State Tribal Museum:

The tribal museum showcases the rich cultural heritage and traditions of the tribal communities in Chhattisgarh. The website offers virtual tours, exhibition details, and educational resources for visitors.
Chhattisgarh State Food and Drug Administration (CGFDA):

CGFDA regulates and monitors the quality, safety, and efficacy of food, drugs, and cosmetics in the state. The website provides information on licensing procedures, drug control measures, and consumer awareness initiatives.
Chhattisgarh State Minor Forest Produce Federation (CGMFPFED):

CGMFPFED facilitates the collection, processing, and marketing of minor forest produce to enhance the livelihoods of forest-dependent communities. The website offers details on forest produce, procurement processes, and tribal welfare schemes.
Chhattisgarh State Remote Sensing Application Centre (CGSRSAC):

Introduction: CGSRSAC utilizes remote sensing and GIS technologies for natural resource management, disaster monitoring, and spatial planning in Chhattisgarh. The website offers satellite imagery, mapping services, and geospatial data for various applications.
Chhattisgarh State Health Resource Centre (CSHRC):

Introduction: CSHRC serves as a knowledge hub for health sector planning, capacity building, and policy advocacy in Chhattisgarh. The website offers resources on healthcare delivery, disease control programs, and public health initiatives.
Chhattisgarh State Renewable Energy Development Corporation (CREDC):

CREDC promotes the development and utilization of renewable energy resources such as solar, wind, and biomass in Chhattisgarh. The website provides information on renewable energy projects, policies, and incentives.
Chhattisgarh State Civil Service Commission (CSCSC):

CSCSC conducts recruitment examinations and selects candidates for various civil service positions in the state government. The website offers updates on examination schedules, results, and recruitment notifications.
Chhattisgarh State Minorities Commission:

The Minorities Commission addresses issues related to the socio-economic and educational development of minority communities in Chhattisgarh. The website provides information on minority welfare schemes, scholarships, and grievances redressal mechanisms.
Chhattisgarh State Agriculture Marketing Board (CGSAMB):

CGSAMB regulates agricultural markets and facilitates fair trade practices, price stabilization, and market infrastructure development. The website offers information on market yards, commodity prices, and marketing policies.
Chhattisgarh State Centre for Entrepreneurship Development (CGSCED):

CGSCED promotes entrepreneurship development and provides training, consultancy, and support services to aspiring entrepreneurs in Chhattisgarh. The website offers details on entrepreneurship programs, funding schemes, and business incubation facilities.
Chhattisgarh State Commission for Protection of Child Rights (CSCPCR):

CSCPCR works towards ensuring the rights and welfare of children in Chhattisgarh, addressing issues related to education, health, and protection from exploitation. The website offers resources for child rights awareness, legal provisions, and grievance redressal.
Chhattisgarh State Handicrafts Development Board (CGSHDB):

CGSHDB promotes traditional handicrafts and artisanal skills, supporting artisans in marketing their products and preserving cultural heritage. The website showcases Chhattisgarh’s handicrafts, artisan profiles, and craft exhibitions.
Chhattisgarh State Centre for Climate Change (CGSCCC):

CGSCCC addresses climate change challenges through research, advocacy, and capacity-building initiatives in Chhattisgarh. The website offers information on climate adaptation strategies, carbon footprint reduction, and sustainable development practices.
Chhattisgarh State Legal Services Authority (CGSLSA):

Introduction: CGSLSA provides legal aid and assistance to marginalized and vulnerable sections of society, ensuring access to justice and legal empowerment. The website offers information on legal services, Lok Adalat activities, and legal awareness programs.
Chhattisgarh State Human Rights Commission (CGSHRC):

CGSHRC safeguards and promotes human rights in Chhattisgarh, addressing cases of human rights violations and ensuring accountability. The website provides resources on human rights laws, complaint procedures, and commission activities.
nomic indicators.
Chhattisgarh State Urban Development Agency (CGSUDA):

CGSUDA implements urban development projects and schemes to enhance infrastructure and services in urban areas of Chhattisgarh. The website provides information on urban planning, housing schemes, and municipal reforms.
Chhattisgarh State Institute of Rural Development (CGSIRD):

CGSIRD focuses on rural development through training, research, and capacity-building programs for rural stakeholders in Chhattisgarh. The website offers resources on rural governance, livelihoods, and community development initiatives.
Chhattisgarh State Women’s Commission (CGSWC):

CGSWC works towards promoting and protecting the rights and interests of women in Chhattisgarh, addressing issues related to gender equality, violence against women, and women’s empowerment. The website provides information on women-centric schemes, legal provisions, and support services.
Chhattisgarh State Road Transport Corporation (CSRTC):

Introduction: CSRTC operates bus services for intra and inter-state travel, connecting various towns, cities, and rural areas in Chhattisgarh. The website offers online booking facilities, route maps, and information on schedules and fares.
Chhattisgarh State Renewable Energy Development Agency (CREDA):

Introduction: CREDA promotes the use of renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and bioenergy in Chhattisgarh, facilitating renewable energy projects and initiatives. The website provides information on incentives, policies, and renewable energy technologies.
Chhattisgarh State Minor Forest Produce Federation (CGMFPF):

Introduction: CGMFPF supports the collection, processing, and marketing of minor forest produce by tribal communities in Chhattisgarh, contributing to their livelihoods and forest conservation. The website offers details on forest produce, procurement prices, and marketing initiatives.
Chhattisgarh State Tribal Welfare Department (CGSTWD):

Introduction: CGSTWD implements welfare schemes and programs for the socio-economic development of tribal communities in Chhattisgarh, focusing on education, healthcare, and livelihoods. The website offers information on tribal welfare initiatives, scholarships, and development projects.
Chhattisgarh State Pharmacy Council (CGSPC):

Introduction: CGSPC regulates the pharmacy profession in Chhattisgarh, ensuring adherence to professional ethics, standards, and practices. The website provides resources for pharmacists, including registration guidelines, continuing education programs, and regulatory updates.
Chhattisgarh State Skill Development Authority (CSSDA):

Introduction: CSSDA facilitates skill development programs and initiatives to enhance employability and entrepreneurship among youth in Chhattisgarh, aligning with national skill development goals. The website provides details on training courses, skill assessment, and industry partnerships.
Chhattisgarh State Handicrafts Development Board (CGSHDB):

Introduction: CGSHDB promotes traditional handicrafts and artisans in Chhattisgarh, facilitating skill development, marketing, and preservation of indigenous crafts. The website showcases handicraft products, artisan profiles, and upcoming events.
Chhattisgarh State Handloom Development Corporation (CGSHDC):

Introduction: CGSHDC supports the handloom sector in Chhattisgarh by promoting traditional weaving techniques, providing marketing support, and facilitating weaver welfare schemes. The website showcases handloom products, weaver cooperatives, and design interventions.
Chhattisgarh State Backward Classes Commission (CGSBCC):

Introduction: CGSBCC addresses the socio-economic and educational development of backward classes in Chhattisgarh, recommending measures for their upliftment and empowerment. The website offers information on commission reports, surveys, and welfare initiatives.
Chhattisgarh State Housing Board (CGSHB):

Introduction: CGSHB undertakes housing projects and schemes to provide affordable housing options to the economically weaker sections of society in Chhattisgarh. The website offers details on housing schemes, application procedures, and project updates.
Chhattisgarh State Renewable Energy Development Corporation (CGSREDC):

Introduction: CGSREDC promotes the development and utilization of renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and biomass in Chhattisgarh, facilitating renewable energy projects and investments. The website provides information on policies, incentives, and project guidelines.
Chhattisgarh State Co-operative Marketing Federation (CGSCMF):

Introduction: CGSCMF facilitates marketing and distribution of agricultural produce through cooperative societies in Chhattisgarh, ensuring fair prices and market access for farmers. The website provides information on cooperative activities, market trends, and procurement procedures.
Chhattisgarh State Medicinal Plant Development Board (CGSMPDB):

Introduction: CGSMPDB promotes the cultivation, conservation, and sustainable utilization of medicinal plants in Chhattisgarh, contributing to healthcare and biodiversity conservation. The website offers details on medicinal plant species, cultivation practices, and value-added products.
locations, and fair-price shops.
Chhattisgarh State Minor Forest Produce Federation (CGSMFPF):

Introduction: CGSMFPF promotes the sustainable harvest, processing, and marketing of minor forest produce by tribal communities in Chhattisgarh, enhancing their livelihoods and forest conservation efforts. The website details forest produce, procurement centres, and marketing initiatives.
Chhattisgarh State Civil Service Commission (CGSSC):

Introduction: CGSSC conducts recruitment examinations and selection processes for various civil service positions in Chhattisgarh, ensuring transparency and merit-based appointments. The website provides information on exam schedules, application procedures, and results.
Chhattisgarh State Industrial Development Corporation (CGSIDC):

Introduction: CGSIDC promotes industrial growth and investment in Chhattisgarh by providing infrastructure support, incentives, and facilitation services to industries. The website offers details on industrial estates, investment opportunities, and policies.
Chhattisgarh State Road Transport Corporation (CGSRTC):

Introduction: CGSRTC operates public bus transportation services across Chhattisgarh, connecting urban and rural areas and facilitating affordable and accessible travel for passengers. The website provides information on bus routes, schedules, and online booking facilities.
Chhattisgarh State Urban Development Agency (CGSUDA):

Introduction: CGSUDA implements urban development projects and initiatives to enhance infrastructure, services, and quality of life in urban areas of Chhattisgarh. The website offers information on urban planning, development schemes, and project updates.
These websites collectively reflect the diverse range of government departments and initiatives aimed at fostering development, welfare, and governance in Chhattisgarh.
Chhattisgarh State Legal Services Authority (CGSLSA):

Introduction: CGSLSA provides legal aid and services to ensure access to justice for all citizens, particularly the marginalized and underprivileged sections of society in Chhattisgarh. The website offers information on legal aid clinics, schemes, and initiatives promoting legal awareness.
Chhattisgarh State Agriculture Marketing Board (CGSAMBA):

Introduction: CGSAMBA facilitates the marketing and export of agricultural produce from Chhattisgarh, enhancing farmers’ incomes and promoting agribusiness opportunities. The website provides information on market yards, prices, and agricultural marketing policies.
Chhattisgarh State Cooperative Dairy Federation (CGSCDF):

Introduction: CGSCDF promotes dairy development and cooperative initiatives in Chhattisgarh, supporting milk production, processing, and marketing activities. The website offers details on dairy cooperatives, milk procurement, and quality standards.
and marketing opportunities.
Chhattisgarh State Scheduled Tribes Commission (CGSSTC):

Introduction: CGSSTC safeguards the rights and interests of Scheduled Tribes in Chhattisgarh, ensuring their socio-economic development and empowerment. The website provides information on tribal welfare schemes, rights, and commission activities.
Chhattisgarh State Tribal Development Department (CGSTDD):

Introduction: CGSTDD implements welfare programs and initiatives for the holistic development of tribal communities in Chhattisgarh, focusing on education, healthcare, and livelihood support. The website provides details on tribal welfare schemes, scholarships, and development projects.
Chhattisgarh State Urban Finance and Development Corporation (CGSUFD):

Introduction: CGSUFD provides financial assistance and support for urban infrastructure projects and development initiatives in Chhattisgarh, facilitating sustainable urban growth. The website offers information on funding schemes, project financing, and urban planning guidelines.
These websites collectively demonstrate the government’s commitment to various sectors and initiatives aimed at promoting development, welfare, and governance in Chhattisgarh.
Chhattisgarh State Commission for Protection of Child Rights (CGSCPCR):

Introduction: CGSCPCR works towards protecting and promoting the rights of children in Chhattisgarh, ensuring their well-being, safety, and development. The website provides information on child rights laws, advocacy efforts, and support services for children.
es, benefits, and application procedures.
Chhattisgarh State Forest Development Corporation (CGSFDC):

Introduction: CGSFDC is responsible for sustainable forest management and commercial exploitation of forest resources in Chhattisgarh, ensuring environmental conservation and livelihood support for forest-dependent communities. The website provides information on timber auctions, forest products, and eco-tourism.
Chhattisgarh State Tribal Cooperative Marketing Federation (CGSTCMF):

Introduction: CGSTCMF promotes the marketing and sale of tribal produce from Chhattisgarh, enhancing the income and livelihoods of tribal communities. The website offers details on tribal products, marketing channels, and procurement policies.
Chhattisgarh State Backward Classes Finance and Development Corporation (CGSBCFDC):

Introduction: CGSBCFDC facilitates the socio-economic development of backward classes in Chhattisgarh by providing financial assistance, skill development training, and entrepreneurial support. The website offers information on schemes, loans, and application procedures.
Chhattisgarh State Minorities Finance and Development Corporation (CGSMFDC):

Introduction: CGSMFDC aims to uplift the socio-economic status of minority communities in Chhattisgarh by providing financial assistance, skill development training, and employment opportunities. The website offers details on minority welfare schemes, scholarships, and subsidies.
Chhattisgarh State Handloom Development Corporation (CGSHDC):

Introduction: CGSHDC promotes the development and marketing of handloom products in Chhattisgarh, supporting traditional weavers and artisans. The website offers details on handloom clusters, design workshops, and marketing initiatives.
Chhattisgarh State Power Holding Company Limited (CSPHCL):

Introduction: CSPHCL is responsible for power generation, transmission, and distribution in Chhattisgarh, ensuring reliable electricity supply to residential, commercial, and industrial consumers. The website provides information on power tariffs, bill payment options, and outage alerts.
Chhattisgarh State Industrial Development Corporation (CSIDC):

Introduction: CSIDC promotes industrial growth and investment in Chhattisgarh, facilitating infrastructure development, land allocation, and investment incentives for businesses. The website provides information on industrial estates, policies, and project approvals.
Chhattisgarh State Renewable Energy Development Agency (CREDA):

Introduction: CREDA promotes the adoption of renewable energy technologies in Chhattisgarh, facilitating solar, wind, and biomass projects for sustainable energy generation. The website offers details on subsidy schemes, installation guidelines, and solar rooftop programs.
Chhattisgarh State Legal Services Authority (CGSLSA):

Introduction: CGSLSA aims to provide free legal aid and assistance to the marginalized and vulnerable sections of society in Chhattisgarh, ensuring access to justice and legal empowerment. The website offers information on legal aid services, Lok Adalats, and legal awareness programs.
Chhattisgarh State Medicinal Plant Board (CSMPB):

Introduction: CSMPB promotes the conservation, cultivation, and sustainable use of medicinal plants in Chhattisgarh, fostering biodiversity conservation and herbal healthcare. The website details medicinal plant species, cultivation techniques, and research initiatives.
Chhattisgarh State Biofuel Development Authority (CSBDA):

Introduction: CSBDA promotes the production and utilization of biofuels in Chhattisgarh, reducing dependence on fossil fuels and mitigating environmental pollution. The website offers information on biofuel policies, projects, and investment opportunities.
Chhattisgarh State Cooperative Marketing Federation Limited (MARKFED):

Introduction: MARKFED facilitates the marketing and distribution of agricultural produce in Chhattisgarh, supporting farmers and cooperatives in accessing markets and obtaining fair prices for their products. The website provides information on marketing initiatives, procurement centres, and farmer support schemes.
Chhattisgarh State Khadi and Village Industries Board (CSKVIB):

Introduction: CSKVIB promotes the development of khadi and village industries in Chhattisgarh, empowering rural communities and promoting sustainable livelihoods. The website details khadi production centres, training programs, and marketing opportunities.
Chhattisgarh State Horticulture Development Agency (CSHDA):

Introduction: CSHDA focuses on the promotion and development of horticulture in Chhattisgarh, enhancing productivity, quality, and market access for horticultural produce. The website provides information on horticultural practices, crop varieties, and government schemes.
Chhattisgarh State Housing Board (CSHB):

Introduction: CSHB undertakes housing projects and urban development initiatives in Chhattisgarh, providing affordable housing options to residents and promoting planned urban growth. The website offers information on housing schemes, project updates, and online application procedures.
Chhattisgarh State Tourism Board (CSTB):

Introduction: CSTB promotes tourism in Chhattisgarh, showcasing its cultural heritage, natural attractions, and adventure tourism opportunities. The website offers details on tourist destinations, travel packages, and tourism events.
Chhattisgarh State Scheduled Caste Finance and Development Corporation (CSCFDC):

Introduction: CSCFDC facilitates socio-economic development and financial inclusion of scheduled caste communities in Chhattisgarh, providing loans, subsidies, and skill development programs. The website offers information on loan schemes, eligibility criteria, and application procedures.
Chhattisgarh State Agriculture Marketing Board (CSAMB):

Introduction: CSAMB regulates agricultural markets and facilitates fair trade practices in Chhattisgarh, ensuring farmers’ access to remunerative prices for their produce. The website provides information on market yards, price trends, and marketing regulations.
Chhattisgarh State School Education Department: –

Introduction: The Chhattisgarh State School Education Department oversees the administration and development of school education in the state, ensuring quality education for all. The website offers resources for students, teachers, and parents, including exam schedules, curriculum updates, and educational policies.
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